Alivia working with Spartan Donate to a dog teamMeet Alivia.Alivia is age 10, She has fetal alcohol syndrome and is addicted to gasoline. Her dog will be trained to keep her safe. Her dog has been picked out and he is just a little puppy right now who has been named Spartan,  a Black Lab. Alivia was born with fetal alcohol syndrome—a condition that varies for each person who has it depending on what was developing in the womb at the time the birth mother was drinking. In Alivia’s case her birth mother drank throughout the pregnancy, so Alivia’s FAS characteristics are all over the place. At 10 years of age she is the size of a typical 6 to 7 year old. She also has significant neurological and learning disabilities which Spartan will be trained to help with. At the same time, Alivia can be incredibly charming, empathetic, helpful, eager to please, creative, and highly imaginative. With Spartans assistance these two will go very far.