Paws For Life USA Fitness Club- Exercise classes for people and dogs
With Kimberly Brenowitz an AKC Fit Dog Certified Instructor and Donna Shipman a Certified Personal Trainer
Now more than ever, fitness is important for both dogs and people. The most commonly recommended
exercise to improve fitness is walking. Walking is considered a safe activity that improves muscular strength,
circulation, memory, weight loss, increases energy, helps with sleep, and reduces stress. The American Heart
Association recommends walking a minimum of 150 minutes per week. Participation in the Paws For Life USA
Fitness Club an AKC FIT DOG program will bring health benefits to both you and your dog.
If you walk with your dog on a regular basis, join the ranks of Paws For Life USA Fitness Club and get your free
(3 inch) Fitness Club logo magnet*. The Paws For Life USA Fitness Club magnet proudly declares to the world
that you are committed to both you and your dog’s health and fitness through regular exercise.
Become part of the Human-dog exercise club and join others in finding a fun way for you and your dog to
stay fit together, both physically and mentally.
Getting and staying fit can be challenging. And if you have trouble getting enough exercise, your dog probably
does too, and that’s not healthy for either of you. Dogs also need mental stimulation along with physical
activity to keep them well and happy. The good news is that many people are discovering their dogs make
excellent workout companions, and the proof can be found in our Paws For Life USA fitness classes.
When making your dog your exercise buddy, step one is a trip to the vet. Your vet can evaluate your dog for any
heart, lung, or other health problems. It’s also important to check for signs of arthritis or musculoskeletal disease.
A dog with inflamed joints or ligaments may require a low-impact exercise plan. The same goes for you – check
with your doctor what exercises they feel is beneficial for you of course walking or swimming are number one
overall health benefits for human and their canine side kick.

Paws For Life USA Fitness Club will meet the first Saturday of the month at Twelve Thirty
(12.30 pm) for one hour at a specified location starting in April and ending on the first
Saturday in December every year.
During January February and March each year there will be
individual small groups and one on one classes available at various locations based on weather
and location availability.
Watch our Facebook Page for info on locations each month.